Breaking Point Arma 3 Servers
Breaking Point Mod is a total conversion mod for Arma 3. Source is provided for the community to improve the mod and host their own servers. Released under the Arma Public Share Like Licence (APL-SA).
Hey guys, can someone possibly find/code a script that lets you do something similar to Arma 3 Breaking Points Group System or Wastelands Group System. I want my players to be able to invite others to a group and then have the hexagon show up as Arma 2 does with groups so you can see where your c.
Objectives & Goals
- Provide a better version of the mod for people still playing. While the developers focus work on the standalone version.
- Compatibility with Arma Updates / New Maps / DLC etc.
- Move Away from Breaking Point Launcher / The Zombie Infection Specific Code & Requirements. This removes a time / money cost and allows the official developers to spend all their time working on the standalone game.
- Intergrate Launcher Features (Legion System, Viewing Faction Points and Stats into the Main Game)
- Cross Platform Support ( Windows, Mac, Linux ) / This allows for hosting dedicated servers on Linux with a cheaper server cost.
- Release a Official Update with all these fixes. Submit a pull request with improvements and we will merge that into the game.
Conflicts & Problems
Breaking Point Arma 3 Servers Mod
- Fragmentation: Everyone using a custom version of Breaking Point and hosting vastly different servers and configurations. If we can work together and merge fixes into Breaking Point as a community.
Server Configuration
- These steps assume you already know how to setup/install a MySQL database and basic ArmA server yourself, so do this first.
- Make sure you install the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributables from microsoft.
Download the BreakingPoint Client + Server files to your server (A batch file will be included in a tools folder for steam cmd users).
If downloading using the steam client and uploading to your server.
- Subscribe to the following mods on the workshop and copy each to your ArmA server directory.
- Make sure the folders have the correct names on your server (@BreakingPoint and @BreakingPointServer).
- BreakingPoint Client:
- BreakingPoint Server:
If using the provided batch tool.
- Copy the batch file to your server directory (or wherever you like), open it and make the following changes.
- Make sure you set the correct username and password for steam (The workshop disallows downloads if you're not using a account that owns ArmA 3).
- Make sure you set the correct path to your SteamCMD install.
- Make sure you set the correct path to your ArmA server directory.
- Save the file once all the above changes have been made, remember to keep the quotes around the file path settings or you will get errors
- Double click the batch file and will do everything else for you (you may need to input a steam guard code as you would when using the steam client).
Import the included breakingpoint.sql file from the SQL folder to a clean database and make sure you have a sql account that has full access to that database.
Copy the ServerConfig folder to your ArmA server directory.
Open the BreakingPointExt.ini in ServerConfig and change the database ip, name, username, password and port to the ones you setup earlier.
Open the config.cfg in ServerConfig directory and setup your instance, this is important to remember for each server you host.
Set the correct mission file for the map you'd like to run.
Open your database manager and go to the instance table and set the world id for instance 1 to what map you intend on running, here's a list of possible values.
Remember if you open more servers increment the instance = x; by one in your server's config.cfg and then in the database set the world id correctly for that instance id
Copy the included server_start.bat file from the Tools folder to your server directory and edit as necessary (The defaults provided will work for a 64 Bit server running on port 2302).
Double click the batch file and wait for the server to start, if everything went successfully you should see the server start and a console displayed saying the following.
Custom Server Configfile
- Download from Github 'breakingpointmod/ServerConfiguration' the folder 'breakingpoint_server_config' to your server
- Edit the config.cpp in the 'breakingpoint_server_config' to your server liking
- Pack the folder 'breakingpoint_server_config' to a .pbo and put it in your server root directory inside '@BreakingPointServer/addons'
- in each Mission provided with the mod there is a missionconfig file called 'description.ext' change it to your liking
- New Feature : only allied factions are able to group.To enable this feature use one of the build in missions in the client files and edit thedescription.ext
Look for
If disableMixedgrouping does not exist in the description file it will be automaticaly disabled => false.By default this feature is disabled.
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Credits/Notable mentions.
- DeathlyRage - For tirelessly working hard over the years to maintain and develop such a high quality mod.
- KamikazeXeX - Writing the server configuration guide and providing the tools for server owners to use.
- The BP Community - For standing by BreakingPoint over the years helping to keep the mod alive.
Source code to the C++ Hive Extension used for Database Intergration and many of the server side calls in Breaking Point Mod.
- Support SQLite so people can setup servers easily without needing to run a full MySQL Instance
- Cross Platform Support ( Windows, Linux )
Current Features
- 64 Bit Support ( Supports running the 64 Bit Arma 3 Server Executable allowing the arma 3 instance to allocate more memory )
- Multi-threaded & Async Hive Extension that is non-blocking
- Supports Priorty Calls both High & Low. High Priorty Calls will run first.
- Queue System that allows scheduling and checking if a sql call is finished or not
- Fire Daemon Support ( Allows for Automatic Restarting / Running as a Service )
- Rcon Support ( Kicking Players, Validation, Whitelisting of Players )
- Steam Web API Support ( Vac Queries etc )
- Automatic Server Restarts + Warnings through hive extension connecting locally though rcon
- Threading Settings ( Determine how much CPU Usage the Hive Extension will use and how often it will sleep between calls )
Conflicts & Problems
- Fragmentation: Everyone using a custom version of the Hive Extension and hosting vastly different servers and configurations. If we can work together and merge fixes together as a community.
Automatic Updates
The Hive Extension will be automatically built by a build server when there is a commit or merge on github and deploy to a new version on steam.If you have new features to merge into Breaking Point that the community could use, please submit it as a pull requst and I'll do a new build and improve the mod for everyone.
- Deathlyrage / Breaking Point Mod Team / Alderon Games Pty Ltd
- KamikazeXeX
- Rajko Stojadinovic
- Cameron Desrochers
- Prithu 'bladez' Parker
- Declan Ireland
- MySQL Team + Oracle
- Poco C++ Lib Team
- Boost C++ Team